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Is Tali in all 3 games?

Tali’Zorah, or Tali in short, is a fictional character in BioWare’s Mass Effect franchise, who serves as a party member (or “squadmate”) in all three games in the Mass Effect trilogy. She is of the quarian alien race.

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Can you romance Tali in all 3 Mass Effect games?

Tali can only be romanced providing that she survived the Suicide Mission and that you successfully romanced her in Mass Effect 2. When it comes to choosing between the geth or the quarians in Mass Effect 3, you must either choose the quarians or have fulfilled the requirements to be able to reconcile the two species.

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Is Tali the only Quarian in Mass Effect 1?

Tali’Zorah or Tali, a companion of Commander Shepard, served as the only example of a quarian in the first Mass Effect.

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Is Tali a permanent squadmate in ME3?

Tali is one of the only characters in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition who can become a permanent squadmate in all three games. Unlike her speedy recruitment in the first two titles, the quarian does not appear in Mass Effect 3 until very late in the story.

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Where is Tali in Mass Effect 3?

She returns to the Citadel after Rannoch as well as a diplomat. After Priority: Cerberus Headquarters, you can talk to Tali in the bar-like lounge in the Normandy’s Crew Quarters.

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Tali is the Most Popular in Mass Effect Legendary Edition… Or Is She?

Who replaces Tali in ME3?

Shepard will still be forced to choose between the Quarians and the Geth, though Admiral Shala’Raan vas Tonbay fills in for Tali.

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What happens if Tali dies in ME3?

This is another pivotal moment in Tali’s storyline where she can die if the mission doesn’t go according to plan or if Shepard makes the wrong choice. However, if dies during the suicide mission in Mass Effect 2, her role will be filled by Admiral Daro’Xen vas Moreh and Shala’Raan.

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Can Tali and Legion both survive?

First, when debating how many Squad Mates to recruit, you need choose “Take your time. Recruit all”, which means that both Tali and Legion join the squad and survive the Suicide Mission, helping you pass the first check.

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How old is Tali in Mass Effect 3?

Voiced by Ash Sroka, Tali has obvious character growth through Mass Effect 3 as she is now 25 years old and coming into adulthood. She is a Quarian – an alien race with a lifespan similar to humans, so her development is relatively similar.

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Can Tali and Shepard have a child?

“Yes, she is with child,” Chakwas said lightly laughing, “your child, Commander. Congratulations.” Tali and Shepard were surprised by this news, “I can’t believe it,” Tali said as she put her hand on her stomach, “I have Shepard’s child inside me.”

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What race is Tali Zorah?

Tali is a quarian, one of a nomadic alien race driven from their homeworld, Rannoch, by a race of software-based intelligences which they created, the geth.

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Does Tali ever reveal her face?

Tali’s face was eventually shown at the end of Mass Effect 3 to those who romanced the character via a picture in Shepard’s cabin. Her design was based on the Photoshop of a human stock photo model – something which angered some of the character’s fans. Tali’s face in the original Mass Effect 3.

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Why is Tali so popular?

Tali’s romance is beloved by many fans, for good reason. A witty, intelligent woman, Tali is more than a match for any Commander that the player decides to roleplay.

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Why can’t you romance Tali as a female?

Tali is never a romance option for FemShep, and even though she’s a crewmate in the first Mass Effect game, you’ll only be able to romance her in the sequel. As for Mass Effect 3, you will only be able to romance Tali here if you already completed the romance in Mass Effect 2, so keep that in mind.

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Can you hook up with Tali?

Though Tali appears in the first game, she isn’t courtable in Mass Effect 1 alongside the three partner options Kaiden Alenko, Liara T’Soni, and Ashley Williams, though players can still build a relationship with her.

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What happens if you cheat on Ashley in Mass Effect 2?

Cheating on Ashley with Tali, Jack or Miranda in Mass Effect 2 gets -1 Point. Picking the Paragon options on Mars gets +1 Point, while the Renegade options get -1 Point. Visiting Ashley at Heurta while she’s awake but bedridden at Huerta will get +2 Points.

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Did Tali have a crush on Shepard?

Reunited. In the first game, the romantic aspect was still very new, and there weren’t many options for either male or female Shepard. Still, it was obvious Tali had developed a crush on male Shepard, and would have followed him to the ends of the galaxy and back if given the chance.

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Does Tali have a crush on female Shepard?

Romance or no, Tali has a crush on Shepard. (and un-used audio files suggest that she might have been romanceable to FemShep before the game went out) And..

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Who is the strongest reaper in Mass Effect?

Alliance intelligence suggests that Harbinger is the oldest and largest Reaper of the entire fleet.

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How do quarians reproduce?

The quarians reproduce via sexual intercourse, and female quarians nurse their young, since they have breasts. Due to centuries of living in a near sterile environment their immune systems are very weak, to the point where they are now forced to wear suits with a self-contained atmosphere.

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Can Legion become loyal?

Legion’s Loyalty Mission is unlocked last, meaning you must have unlocked the Loyalty Missions of every other Squad Mate (save Zaeed and Kasumi) before Legion will be ready for it.

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Does Tali take her helmet off?

Striking up a romantic relationship with a character in Mass Effect 3 will earn you a lovely picture of their face that sits on the desk in Commander Shepard’s quarters. It’s a nice touch, but for Tali romancers it’s particularly special, because it means you actually get to see her face without her helmet on.

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Who has the saddest death in Mass Effect 3?

Mordin’s death is one of the most memorable moments of melodrama in Mass Effect 3, and one of the squadmate deaths that isn’t the result of Renegade choices.

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How do I stop Tali from dying?

You cannot save Legion regardless of what you do. Tali survives so long as you do not pick the geth – either pick the quarians or mediate a peace between them.

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How old is Tali Mass Effect 1?

Tali, whose full name is Tali’Zorah Nar Rayva, happens to be the youngest squad member in the original Mass Effect. She’s only 22 years old, which is rather younger considering Quarians have similar lifecycles to that of humans despite their health and bacterial shortcomings as an alien race.

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